
新版本FTC APP Inventor编程环境已上线

新版本FTC APP Inventor编程环境已上线

张北一 -

 2015年11月7日,FTC官方工程师Tom在FTC论坛上公布了新版本AI开发环境。我校AI环境也进行了更新。地址192.168.24.166:8888。新环境编译生成的APP需要配合最新版的Driver Station APP使用。详细更新内容见下文转载的原帖内容。


原题:New release of App Inventor appliance file (151105_001) and FTC Driver Station App!

Hi Folks

We have a new version of the FTC App Inventor appliance available. 

Please remember, if you use this newer appliance, then you need to upgrade your FTC Driver Station app to version 1.25 (available through Google Play or on the FTC App Inventor download page). Similarly, if you upgrade your FTC Driver Station app to version 1.25, then you should upgrade your App Inventor appliance file to the newest file from November 5, 2015.

The file and APKs can be downloaded at the FTC App Inventor download page:


The release notes with a description of the changes can be found in the new "readme.txt" file that is available on the download page. I've also included a copy of the release notes at the end of this post.

Lastly, there is a public document with a list of all of the FTC components, events, method, and properties:



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Release Notes 151105_001
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* Pulled mit-cml/appinventor-sources master on 2015/11/04.
* Pulled mit-cml/appinventor-sources ucr on 2015/11/04.
* Includes .aar files from ftctechnh/ftc_app release

Fixed bugs:

* Wifi direct status stays disconnected even after activating a configuration file.

Added components:

* FtcElapsedTime
* Added blocks

* FtcColorSensor
- I2cAddress 
The I2C address of the color sensor. Not all color sensors support this feature.
The constant for MAX_NEW_I2C_ADDRESS. (read only)
The constant for MIN_NEW_I2C_ADDRESS. (read only)
* FtcDcMotorController
- number GetDifferentialControlLoopCoefficientP(number motor)
Get the differential control loop coefficient p, if supported by the controller.
- number GetDifferentialControlLoopCoefficientI(number motor)
Get the differential control loop coefficient i, if supported by the controller.
- number GetDifferentialControlLoopCoefficientD(number motor)
Get the differential control loop coefficient d, if supported by the controller.
- number GetGearRatio(number motor)
Get the gear ratio, if supported by the controller.
- SetDifferentialControlLoopCoefficients(number motor, number p, number i, number d)
Set the differential control loop coefficients, if supported by the controller.
- SetGearRatio(number motor, number ratio)
Set the gear ratio (from -1.0 to 1.0), if supported by the controller.
- SetMotorPowerForGroup(list listOfFtcDcMotors, number power)
Set the power for a group of motors, if supported by the controller.
- BatteryVoltage
Get the battery voltage, if supported by the controller. (read only)
* FtcElapsedTime
- Log(text label)
Log a message stating how long the timer has been running.
- Reset()
Reset the start time to now.
- text ToString()
Return text stating the number of seconds that have passed.
- StartTime
Get the relative start time. (read only)
- Time
Get the number of seconds since the start time, with nanosecond accuracy. (read only)
* FtcGyroSensor
- Calibrate()
Calibrate the gyro. Not all gyro sensors support this feature. For the Modern Robotics device this will reset the Z axis heading.
- boolean IsCalibrating()
Is the gyro performing a calibration operation? Not all gyro sensors support this feature.
- ResetZAxisIntegrator()
Set the integrated Z axis to zero. Not all gyro sensors support this feature.
- Heading
The integrated Z axis as a cartesian or cardinal heading, as a numeric value between 0 and 360. Not all gyro sensors support this feature. (read only)
- HeadingMode_CARDINAL
The constant for HeadingMode_CARDINAL.
- HeadingMode_CARTESION
The constant for HeadingMode_CARTESIAN.
- HeadingMode
The heading mode. Valid values are HeadingMode_CARTESIAN or HeadingMode_CARDINAL. Not all gyro sensors support this feature.
- RawX
The gyro's raw X value. Not all gyro sensors support this feature.
- RawY
The gyro's raw Y value. Not all gyro sensors support this feature.
- RawZ
- The gyro's raw Z value. Not all gyro sensors support this feature.

* FtcLinearOpMode
- Time
The number of seconds this op mode had been running when the RunOpMode event was triggered. (read only)
- FtcOpMode
The number of seconds this op mode had been running when the Loop event was triggered. (read only)
* FtcRobotController
- LogDevices()
Log information about hardware devices.
* FtcServoController
- SetServoPositionAndSpeed(number channel, number position, number speed)
Set a position and a speed for a servo. The speed parameter is ignored if it is not supported by the controller.
* FtcTouchSensor
- Status
The status, if supported by the touch sensor. (read only)
* FtcTouchSensorMultiplexer
- Status
The status, if supported by the touch sensor multiplexer. (read only)

Renamed blocks (the following blocks were renamed...)

ColorToHSV to ConvertColorToHSV
HSVToColor to ConvertHSVToColor
HSVToColorWithAlpha to ConvertHSVToColorWithAlpha
ARGB to CreateARGB
RGB to CreateRGB
Alpha to ExtractAlpha
Red to ExtractRed
Green to ExtractGreen
Blue to ExtractBlue
Hue to ExtractHue
Saturation to ExtractSaturation
Value to ExtractValue

ChannelMode to Mode

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