FTC RobotController(SDK) v10.1.1发布

FTC RobotController(SDK) v10.1.1发布

by 北一 张 -
Number of replies: 0

Version 10.1.1 (20241102-092223)

Breaking Changes

  • Support for Android Studio Ladybug. Requires Android Studio Ladybug.

Known Issues

  • Android Studio Ladybug's bundled JDK is version 21. JDK 21 has deprecated support for Java 1.8, and Ladybug will warn on this deprecation. OnBotJava only supports Java 1.8, therefore, in order to ensure that software developed using Android Studio will run within the OnBotJava environment, the targetCompatibility and sourceCompatibility versions for the SDK have been left at VERSION_1_8. FIRST has decided that until it can devote the resources to migrating OnBotJava to a newer version of Java, the deprecation is the lesser of two non-optimal situations.


  • Added toString() method to Pose2D
  • Added toString() method to SparkFunOTOS.Pose2D