FTC RobotController(SDK) v6.1发布

FTC RobotController(SDK) v6.1发布

张北一 -

Version 6.1 (20201209-113742)

  • Makes the scan button on the configuration screen update the list of Expansion Hubs connected via RS-485
  • Improves web interface compatibility with older browser and Android System WebView versions.
  • Fixes issue in UVC driver where some cameras (e.g. certain MS Lifecams) which reported frame intervals as rounded rather than truncated values (e.g. 666667*100ns instead of 666666*100ns for 15FPS) would fail to start streaming.
  • Adds support in UVC driver for virtual PTZ control
  • Adds support in UVC driver for gain (ISO) control
  • Adds support in UVC driver for enabling/disable AE priority. This setting provides a means to tell the camera firmware either
    • A) It can undershoot the requested frame rate in order to provide a theoretically better image (i.e. with a longer exposure than the inter-frame period of the selected frame rate allows)
    • B) It must meet the inter-frame deadline for the selected frame rate, even if the image may be underexposed as a result
  • Adds support for the Control Hub OS 1.1.2 Robot Controller watchdog
    • The Robot Controller app will be restarted if it stops responding for more than 10 seconds
  • Adds support for using the Driver Station app on Android 10+
  • Introduces an automatic TeleOp preselection feature
  • Shows icon next to OpMode name in the OpMode list dropdown on the Driver Station to indicate the source of the OpMode (i.e. the programming tool used to create it)
  • Fixes issue where the Driver Station app would exit after displaying the Configuring WiFi Direct screen
  • Fixes Blocks and OnBotJava prompts when accessed via the REV Hardware Client