Organic Chemistry, 3rd (David R. Klein) |
这门课的指定教材,ppt里的大部分截图和咱的课后习题都是从这里面挑的,所以要好好看啊~ |
Organic Chemistry, 2nd (David R. Klein) |
看好哦!这是第二版的教材,不过感觉有些内容第二版在结构安排上比第三版要好,所以就也给大家放到这里啦~ 有需要看第二版的章节和内容,会在课上和大家提到的:) |
Organic Chemistry (2nd) (Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren) |
Oxford University Press出的教材,在英国算是有机标配了,难度跨度大,咱(也不会用的doge |
Leroy G. Wade-Organic Chemistry-Pearson (2016) |
我的老师在读本科时用的有机教材,在美国那边据说也很常见呢 |
Organic Chemistry Principles and Mechanisms by Joel Karty |
Cal化院Chem 12a用的教材,是以机理为topic划分依据的,而且很有深度 |
Organic Chemistry, 9ed John E. McMurry |
Cornell的McMurry教授写的有机教材,已经被国内多所大学认定为官方参考书籍了,你还不看看吗(手动狗头*2 |
《基础有机化学》第四版 上册 |
《基础有机化学》第四版 下册 |
基础有机化学第四版习题解析 |
演习で学ぶ 有机反応机构,福山 透 |
这个是我们未来(并不)可能会用到的习题集(福山透的反应机理还是很有名的啊 |
A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications, Fifth Edition |
经典的有机人名反应参考书,以后讲合成和反应的时候会用到:) |
The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms |
人称Art的一本很著名的书诶,教你画反应机理的,好好读一读,这可是包含了很多画箭头的进阶操作呢(doge |
Lec 1 |
Lec 1_Intro & Chem Review v2.0 |
hw1 |
quiz1 |
quiz1 v2.0 |
Lec 2 |
Lec 2 Classification, Representation & Nomenclature v2.0 |
hw2 |
quiz2 |
quiz2 v2.0 |
Prefix |
解读《有机化合物命名原则-2017》——新老命名原则的比较及常见取代基的命名 |
Lec 3 |
Lec 3_Stereochemistry v2.0 |
hw3(1) |
hw3(2) |
quiz3 |
Inter-Lec A |
Inter-Lec A_Introduction to Resonance |
Inter-Lec A handout |
Lec 4 |
Lec 4_Alkyl Halides, Substitutions on Saturated Carbons v2.0 |
Lec 4 mind map |
hw4 |
quiz4 |
quiz4 v2.0 |
Substitution at a Saturated Carbon Atom. IV. A Clarification of the Mechanism of Solvolyses of 2-Octyl Sulfonates. Stereochemical Considerations |
这个是hw4里最后一题取材的那篇文献,大家有想了解的可以看看哦 |
Lec 5 |
Lec 5_β – Eliminations v2.0 |
hw5 |
New synthesis of pentacyclic steroids by stereoselective epoxide ring opening |
Lec 6 |
Lec 6_Addition Reactions of Alkenes, Alkynes v2.0 |
hw6(1) |
Lec 7 |
Lec 7_Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers v2.0 |
hw7(1) |
Inter-Lec C |
Inter-Lec C_Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry |
Inter-Lec D |
Inter-Lec D_Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Lec 8 |
Lec 8_Aromatic Compounds and Aromatic Substitution Reactions |
Lab 1 |
Lab 1_Optical Rotation and Its Determination |
旋光仪使用指南 |
Tutorials |
Tutorial 2_Introduction to Resonance v2.0 |
Tutorial 2 handout v2.0 |
Seminar |
Seminar: Drug Metabolism & Toxicity |
Drug Metablism Toxicity |
Past Papers |
[2020 Fall] Final Exam |
[2021 Spring] Final Exam |
[2021 Fall] Final Exam |
[2022 Spring] Final Exam |
[2021 Fall] Grading Scheme |
[2022 Spring] Grading Scheme (Part I II) |
Mock Exam for 2021 Fall |
Videos |
David MacMillan's Nobel Prize Lecture in Chemistry |