some basic stuff |
高级化学词汇_A-Z |
Moodle学习系统介绍 |
第一讲-原子结构 |
Atom structure |
讲义1-原子结构 |
atoms the building blocks of matter |
第二讲-电子排布和放射性 |
Electron configurations and radioactivity |
讲义2-电子排布和放射性 |
第三讲-元素周期律和化学键 |
The Periodic table and Bonding |
讲义3-元素周期律和化学键 |
第四讲-化学反应和计量 |
chemical reactions and stoichiometry |
热力学定律 化学计算 物质的量 熵 焓 吉布斯自由能 |
讲义4-化学反应和计量 |
第五讲-相,固,液,气 |
phases gases,liquids,and solids |
讲义5-相,固,液,气 |
Phases gases, liquids ,and solids |
第六讲-溶液 |
solutions |
讲义6-溶液 |
第七讲-化学动力学速率平衡 |
Kinematics&equilibrium |
讲义7-化学动力学速率平衡 |
第八讲-酸和碱 |
acid&base |
讲义8-酸和碱 |
第九讲-氧化还原和电化学 |
Redox and Electrochemistry |
讲义9-氧化还原和电化学 |
第十讲-有机化学和环境化学 |
organic chemistry&environment chemistry |
讲义10-有机化学和环境化学 |
Organic chemistry and environmental chemisrty |
第十一讲-实验 |
experiment |
讲义11-实验 |
总结和模拟 |
总结知识点 |
[2019-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2018-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2017-Official-AP Exam] (With Answers) |
[2016-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2015-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2014-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2013-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |
[2012-Official-AP Practice Exam] (With Answers) |